or flown Scott Morrison to Hawaii 322,456,140 times[13]
Write to your MP and tell them that you demand better. Or use the template below to let them know how you feel.
Dear [Member of Parliament's Name],
I'm writing to express my opposition to the government's reckless spending on the AUKUS agreement and the increased militarisation of Australia. The hundreds of billions earmarked for this military deal could and should be used to address the urgent, everyday needs of Australians like me.
Rather than funneling vast sums into an arms race that primarily benefits corporate interests and foreign powers, we should be investing in what truly matters: affordable housing, accessible healthcare, and robust programs to fight poverty and inequality. These are the issues that directly impact the lives of everyday people in this country, not an inflated defence budget that will do nothing to improve our security or quality of life.
It's time we stopped prioritising the interests of the military-industrial complex over the well-being of Australians. The money going into AUKUS would be far better spent on tangible solutions for our communities. We need a government that puts people first, not one that perpetuates military escalation and neglects the pressing needs of the people it's supposed to serve.
I urge you to stand up for your constituents, reconsider this misguided spending, and shift focus to the real challenges we face in this country.
[Your Name]
"if your militarism has jumped into the water together with its military budget, and if we are now expected to save it from the water — you are really expecting too much from us. Save your militarism yourself! Let it drown, for all we care!""Not a Man and Not a Penny for this System!", Wilhelm Liebknecht
"The cost of nuclear submarines", Parliamentary Budget Office, Table 1.* Exact year-by-year or real-time costs cannot be calculated as these figures are classified as SECRET
"Increase JobSeeker Payment", Parliamentary Budget Office, Table 1, Option 1.* Assumes benchmarking JobSeeker against Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's relative measure of poverty is equivalent to lifting an individual above the Henderson poverty line modeled in "Poverty in the age of coronavirus", Matt Grudnoff, The Australia Institute
"BUDGET STRATEGY AND OUTLOOK, BUDGET PAPER NO. 1", The Honourable Jim Chalmers MP and Senator the Honourable Katy Gallagher, Table 6.4.1. Stated increase in foreign aid expenditure is a one time increase lasting the stated number of years and does not compound